16 Ağustos 2010 Pazartesi

Yeni Raid ve Dungeon Mapleri

Pek bir açıklamaya gerek yok heralde, yeni dungeon haritalarıyla birlikte eski zindanların da haritaları oyuna eklendi. Aşağıdan tamamını görebilirsiniz. Umarım küçük bir nostalji turuna çıkartabilir sizleri ;)

Cataclysm Raid Instances

Baradin Hold

Blackwing Descent #1

Blackwing Descent #2

Bastion of Twilight #1

Bastion of Twilight #2

Bastion of Twilight #3

Cataclysm 5-Man Instances

Blackrock Caverns #1

Blackrock Caverns #2

Grim Batol

Skywall Dungeon

Throne of the Tides

Throne of the Tides

Classic Raid Instances

Blackwing Lair #1

Blackwing Lair #2

Blackwing Lair #3

Blackwing Lair #4

Molten Core

Onyxia's Lair

Ruins of Ahn'qiraj

Temple of Aq #1

Temple of Aq #2

Temple of Aq #3

Classic 5-Man Instances

BF Deeps #1

BF Deeps #2

BF Deeps #3

BR Depths #1

BR Depths #2

BR Spire #1

BR Spire #2

BR Spire #3

BR Spire #4

BR Spire #5

BR Spire #6

BR Spire #7

Deadmines #1

Deadmines #2

Dire Maul East #1

Dire Maul East #2

Gnomeregan #1

Gnomeregan #2

Gnomeregan #3

Gnomeregan #4

Ragefire Chasm

Razorfen Downs

Razorfen Kraul

S. Monastery #1

S. Monastery #2

S. Monastery #3

S. Monastery #4

Scholomance #1

Scholomance #2

Scholomance #3

Scholomance #4

SF. Keep #1

SF. Keep #2

SF. Keep #3

SF. Keep #4

SF. Keep #5

SF. Keep #6

SF. Keep #7

Stratholme #1

Stratholme #2

Sunken Temple

The Stockade

Uldaman #1

Uldaman #2

Wailing Caverns


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